Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gland Swelling In Clitoris What To Do About Pain And Swelling From Salivary Gland Infection?

What to do about pain and swelling from salivary gland infection? - gland swelling in clitoris

A few days ago for lunch, I had a sudden pain in the jaw or neck. There was no swelling. I stopped eating as he went. Whenever I eat what's going on. Always disappears once to stop me. Prett understood that there is an infection of the salivary glands. I began taking amoxicillin. It seems good. What can I do, and if any comfort to nibble?

1 comment:

Lampligh... said...

You probably have a small blockage in the salivary glands (such as a kidney stone). When you eat, increase the production of saliva and the blockage causes pain in the lymph nodes.

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